Approximately 85% of our current business involves supplying Broiler, Free Range and Breeder poultry units throughout East Anglia and Lincolnshire.
Our poultry mixtures which we supply to the broiler units are typically made up with a mix of approximately 70% wheat straw and 30% wood shavings and treated with salcurb, however we can also produce whatever percentage of straw/wood shaving mix the customer requires.
These are baled up in approximately 23kg small polythene bales and also the larger 230kg bales (one large bale covers approx 1,000 sq.ft of floor space at a depth of 1 inch plus). We also supply breeder units with soft white kiln-dried wood, which is either baled up directly from the sawmills or from wood shavings that we produce on our own planer.
As well as supplying the poultry industry with the bedding itself, we pride ourselves in providing a quality spreading service to our poultry customers. This involves delivering out the maxi mixture bales directly to the sites, unloading with bobcats and transporting into the poultry sheds. The bales are then cut open, and the bedding knocked about roughly with the bobcats.
We then spread the chopped straw and wood shaving mix using specially adapted tractors with a spinner on the back designed to fit in the low sheds, leaving an even coverage on the shed floors and allowing chick placement into the sheds the following day.